Physiotherapist Antwerp Eefje tunnelplaatsEefje graduated in 2019 as Master in Rehabilitation Sciences and Kinesitherapy at UAntwerpen. She then immediately started training in Osteopathy at the Flanders International College of Osteopathy (FICO). In 2024, she graduated as an osteopath DO.

As an osteopath, you approach the patient holistically from multiple facets. Complaints often have no single cause and may arise from a confluence of visceral (organs), craniosacral (skull and spine) and structural (muscles and joints) factors. In addition, mental well-being can also play a role in the emergence and maintenance of physical complaints.

Furthermore, Eefje is an experienced sea scout with a passion for sailing. This challenging hobby requires social and managerial skills that also come in handy at Magnus. Eefje is therefore an asset to strengthen cooperation with patients and colleagues. Eefje is a motivated, roguish, inquisitive and sporty Magnus therapist you can rely on!

Book Eefje

Patients can contact her for:
- Acute complaints (including post-operative)
- Chronic complaints (back and neck pain, headaches, tension-related complaints, ...)
- Jaw or temporomandibular related complaints
- Digestive complaints (constipation, bloating, reflux, gastrointestinal complaints, ...)
- Orthopaedic rehabilitation (shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee, ankle, back, ...)
- Respiratory problems (hyperventilation, pain when breathing, ...)
- Headache (migraine, cluster or tension headache, ...)

Academic background

  • MSc in physical therapy and rehabilitation sciences - musculoskeletal rehabilitation | UAntwerpen
  • MSc in osteopathy (in training) | FICO Antwerpen


  • Dutch
  • Frenc
  • English


  • General physiotherapy
  • Manual therapy
  • Physiotherapy at home
  • Postoperative physiotherapy
  • Sports physiotherapy
  • Temporomandibular joint
  • Vertigo disease