Why Magnus physiotherapy
pays much attention to quality care for the patient

  • Did you know that the healthcare landscape is organised in such a way that there are few, if any, quality guarantees?
  • Did you know that there is no budget in healthcare financing for colleagues to consult with each other in a group practice or between healthcare providers in the first line?
  • Did you know that internal cross-fertilisation of competences between healthcare providers is limited by performance-based funding?
  • Did you know that healthcare providers are reimbursed less for certain patients than for other patients with the same condition?

At Magnus we believe a pay for performance does not guarantee

  • high quality care
  • a healthy working environment for the healthcare provider and
  • equal accessibility for the patient

Magnus offers an answer by partially decoupling performance funding and thus focusing on our pillars of quality. In doing so, Magnus aims to achieve the goals of the Quadruple Aim:

  • Better patient outcomes
  • Lower healthcare costs or best care per euro
  • Better working environment and experience for our physiotherapists
  • An improvement of the patient experience

Discover our five pillars of excellence below

Pillar I: Patient
centred physiotherapy

Exclusive one to one
patient care

Our physiotherapists devote time exclusively to the patient during treatment. This means that we do not treat other patients at the same time or let you do exercises on your own. We believe in the competence of our physiotherapists and the importance of quality treatment and detailed exercise therapy. The aim is to maximise your recovery potential and ensure that you can take your health into your own hands.

kracht goede kinesisten revalidatie
onderzoek opstart goede kinesisten behandeling

Qualitative beginning
of your rehabilitation trajectory

At the start of your rehabilitation, it is essential that we examine where the cause of your complaints lies. As a physiotherapist, we are qualified to examine in detail which elements influence your complaints. We avoid jumping to conclusions by having a thorough interview, a medical examination and by consulting your medical files (e.g. imaging and reports) in order to start a tailor-made treatment. This way, we do not overlook anything and we are able to put your rehabilitation on the right track from day one.

A healthy body
in a healthy environment

Our clinics are designed to create a healthy, warm environment. Feeling healthy is much more than the absence of physical complaints. In our practices, we aim to create a pleasant setting that invites you to feel better. Here, you will not find a clinical environment where we receive you as a person and not as a patient.

Oefenzaal goede kinesisten magnus
magnus physiotherapy good feedback

Patients as a key partner
towards better healthcare outcomes

The patient experience and outcomes are decisive for a good result of a treatment. Value-driven care therefore means that the patient is central and we realise this by means of patient questionnaires. At Magnus, we do this during and at the conclusion of the treatment process. These anonymous evaluations enable us to improve our services.

Pillar II: Communication

As a care provider, you only see the patient during a consultation, so there is a risk of overlooking certain matters that could improve the treatment. For this reason, Magnus guarantees a weekly team consultation in order to optimise care. Open communication within our team ensures that we can switch quickly when rehabilitation does not go as expected. The strength of a group practice is that colleagues can reinforce each other. At Magnus, we do our utmost to achieve this.

Pijler III: Integrated care

As a care provider, you only see the patient during a consultation, so there is a risk of overlooking certain matters that could improve the treatment. For this reason, Magnus guarantees a weekly team consultation in order to optimise care. Open communication within our team ensures that we can switch quickly when rehabilitation does not go as expected. The strength of a group practice is that colleagues can reinforce each other. At Magnus, we do our utmost to achieve this.

Pillar IV: Development
of competences of our physiotherapist

At Magnus, we believe that our physiotherapists want to develop their passion and we try to set up a pathway for them to develop their qualities to the fullest. This development can only take place in a safe and reflective environment. Our operation therefore includes several elements that are crucial to realising the potential of our physiotherapists.

training goede kinesisten
mentorschap goede kinesisten

Cross fertilisation of competences
by means of our mentorship programme

Through our mentorship programme, our team members can learn from each other. This harmonises skills and allows our team members to know each other's qualities.

Educational clinic

In our practices, students can do an internship. This internship includes a development plan for the individual student. Magnus limits the number of trainees per year and period to ensure a high quality of training.

Evidentie goede kinesist kwaliteit
Good physiotherapist training

Magnus garantuees
continuous development of its team

At Magnus, every physiotherapist has an annual training budget. This stimulates continuous training, which is also given back to the team.

Pillar V: Commitment
and interdisciplinary collegiality

Magnus believes that the power of physical therapy is underused in the current care landscape. Therefore, Magnus is committed to several networks and care bodies to strengthen the role and quality of physiotherapy. Currently Magnus is actively involved in strategic networking in the regions of our practices to bring together the different actors in physical therapy. This way for instance the knowledge flow from research (universities) to practice can be accelerated as well as the transmural (e.g. between hospitals and physiotherapists in primary care) and interdisciplinary communication (e.g. between doctors, occupational therapists, care experts, ... and physiotherapists) in order to maximise the quality of care.

Do you want to know more about how we work?

Do not hesitate to contact us!